hello! if you're wondering where to get your next mysore sada dosa, you've come to the right place.
click on a dosa to read my thoughts on it, or to hide them.
currently: bombay
where should i go next?
ordered in from this place we discovered last year. they're quite generous w the mysore chutney, so you're bound to be disappointed when the dosa tastes more sada than you expect. also, it's massive. i almost regretted getting two. ordering in is always risky but this one was the right amount of ~soft~! the sambhar is slightly sweet, and arguably more flavourful than the dosa itself. i'm back on my "no coconut chutney" bullshit, so it didn't even occur to me to taste it. would recommend, it manages to offer comfort despite all its faults.
my ideal life certainly involves a mysore sada dosa* the morning after
every soirée. end of review.
*not from naivedyam
we've got a 'chota packet bada dhamaka' situation on our hands. didn't know this one had it in her to pack so much ghee. nothing short of divine. the mysore chutney, dare i say, tastes orange. sambhar doesn't stay w you, but the three chutneys certainly complete the experience :-) would recommend (but be careful not to order too much -- food comas are never fun!)
my friend yashvi & i make it a point to get breakfast at sharda every time i'm in town. today's sambhar lacked salt. the coconut chutney was the right amount of coconuty. the dosa itself was crisp in some places, not so much in others. stunning colour. the mysore chutney was not as flavourful as one might imagine. almost delicious nonetheless, would recommend!
a six minute walk from the metro station, swadesh is a small place with a big menu. i am fairly certain the entire dosa was dipped in ghee. not crisp at all, just the way i like it. the ghee really overpowered the mysore chutney. would not recommend.
i grew up in cafe mysore. most recently: a slight, easy crunch and a chutney redder than most (an unforeseen but not unwelcome development). paired with their rich coconut chutney, would recommend!
i don't recall ever having been to arya bhavan, but it would be wrong not to have high expectations. (spoiler alert: they were met) everyone needs to stop sleeping on MSDs because holy shit can they pack flavour. what a treat! would recommend.
this one does the bare minimum and gets away with it. the coconut chutney, on the other hand, was coconuty to the point of being overbearing. overall pretty solid, given that we ordered in. would recommend, unless it's your first MSD.